OCTOBER 21-22, 2022
The Georgia Iris Society will be hosting the 2022 AIS Region 5 Fall Meeting at Bellmere, Estate of Deen Day Sanders—the same location as the meeting in 2017. The address is 10777 Medlock Bridge Road, Johns Creek, GA. More precise directions will come with the Registration Form. The Registration price is still being worked on but will be posted soon.
The schedule will include the Region 5 Officers Meeting on Friday, October 21 at 5:00 followed by dinner and the Program. Plans are for a 7:00 p.m. Program session on Design by Lynn Fronk. Lynn is a National Garden Clubs Design Instructor and has taught in 42 States as well as South America. This session will establish credit for AIS Judges who wish to eventually be certified to judge designs in our Iris Shows. It will be informational for all and will feature designs to follow her instruction. The Judging and Show Officials Handbook will be necessary for this session for the AIS Judges Design Certification. This is the newly revised edition and all AIS Judges will need it—and some already have ordered it and have it available.
Rick Tasco, from Superstition Gardens, Cathey’s Valley, California and will teach on the Aril and Arilbred Iris on Saturday starting at 9:00 a.m. until lunch time. Rick has won many, many American Iris Society Awards, including 2 Dykes Medals, Wister Medals, Clarence G. White Medals and the AIS Hybridizer’s Medal in 2010. (See some of his awards below). During his lecture he will also be refering to the Handbook.
Rick is bringing some of his Iris rhizomes to sell and hopefully anyone else who has Iris rhizomes that they wish to add to the sale are very welcome and it will be appreciated. There will also be a Silent Auction with proceeds from all of the sales to go to the Region Treasury to cover expenses.
The time for the business meeting is not confirmed yet but there will be an election of officers for a new term.
Very important: AIS has a new Judging and Show Officials Handbook as of July 2021. It can be ordered at: AIS Storefront, John and Kay Ludi, P. O. Box 956, Sandy, OR 97055. Phone 503-826-8808 or email [email protected]. This information is also in your issue of IRISES, The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, and can also be viewed on AIS's website, here.
Dragon’s Eye Shaman’s Magic Splashacata Golden Panther
Recent Clarence G. White Awards Dykes Medal Award 2005 Dykes Medal Award 2009